Sunday, May 25, 2008

Don't forget to REMEMBER

Each year as the month of May comes to a close, there is one special weekend bursting with activity. Picnics with family, swimming pools will open for the summer season, greenhouses are busy selling flowers to be planted, summer cabins will be opened and freshened for another season, boats will be readied and taken to open waters, oh and so much yard work to complete--mulching, mowing, planting. Well this weekend is here---Memorial Day Weekend. In this fast passed world that we now live in, let us take a few minutes to really remember what this weekend is all about. Yes it is all of those for mentioned things and yes it is an extra day off from the office, but it is also time to remember our soldiers. Those who are serving, have served, and have given their lives for our country and our freedom. Such sacrifices these men and women have made as well as their families. So as we are enjoying all of those wonderful activities, please don't forget to remember our soldiers and their families. Pray for those currently serving to return safely to their loved ones, pray for those families who have given the ultimate sacrifice of theirs and don't forget to say thank you to those who have protected our freedom. As I close this post I want to share with you a poem that simply touches my heart and reminds me how blessed I am to have my freedoms. How thankful I am for our soldiers and their families.

Who's Got Your Back

I am a small and precious child
my dad's been sent to fight,
The only place I'll see his face
is in my dream at night.
He will be gone too many days
for my young mind to keep track,
I may be sad, but I am proud
My daddy's got your back.

I am a caring mother
my son has gone to war,
My mind is filled with worries
that I have never known before.
Everyday I try to keep
my thoughts from turning black,
I may be scared, but I am proud
My son has got your back.

I am a strong and loving wife
with a husband who had to go,
There are times I'm terrified
in a way most never know.
I bite my lip and force a smile
as I watch my husband pack,
My heart may break, but I am proud
My husband's got your back.

I am a soldier
serving proudly, standing tall,
I fight for freedom, yours and mine
by answering this call.
I do my job while knowing
the thanks it sometimes lacks,
Say a prayer that I'll come home
It's me who's got your back.

Happy Memorial Day and please don't forget to REMEMBER.


  1. Lovely poem. My father served many years ago (he's 81 now) and my husband was in the Marines. I am thankful to these men in my life, as well as all the others who have served in the past and are currently serving.

    Thanks for the blog comment! I did make a charm with a scrap of hanky, too! I'll have to show that one day!

  2. Wow - What a wonderful post - We will never forget!! It is because of our brave men and women who wear and have worn the uniform that we can embrace all this great country has to offer!! My nephew just got home from his second tour in Iraq - my little niece and their two year old son were sure happy to see him!

  3. Hi MiMi,
    Just wanted to tell you, that you have been tagged! See my blog for more info.
    (this tag thing actually took me awhile to do, so if you think you won't be able to do it, I'll understand)
    and thanks for the rememberance of our soldiers, past and present.
