Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Roses and Peonies

Not a long post this evening. I just wanted to share with you some of the little beauties growing in my garden at present.

There was the threat of rain storms today so I thought I would bring some in before the rain dampened their beauty.

I love the simple beauty in nature.


  1. Ok, now I'm jealous! I'm gonna have to come over and steal a plant or two!! LOL!! They are beautiful! Funny, I just asked my mom the other day how hard it was to start a peony bush! If I can't find you, I guess I will have to steal one of my mom's bushes!!

    Thanks for sharing and makin' my day!

  2. Wow,these are georgeous! You sure know how to grow 'em!

  3. Your gardens look beautiful...the perfect setting to picnic with a foot-long hotdog! Thanks for lunch, it was great!

  4. Oh wow - how pretty - you have a green thumb, girl! i just love peonies, i think better than roses!! thanks for sharing these lovely blooms from your garden!!

  5. Mimi, you and I share a love of roses and peonies...yours are spectacular!
