Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Loyal and True Friend

When you bring a pet into your home you know you are going to love it. But what isn't realized sometimes is just how much. They become part of your family. You count on them to always be there, tail wagging, welcoming you home. Supplying you with that unconditional love even when you are crabby and have had the worst day. They can look at you with those brown eyes and easily change all that is bad to good. There is just something about that kind of love. And the best part is that as much as you love them they love you back twice as much. We had a bit of sadness in our family this week as we lost our beloved friend, Lucy. Her illness just didn't allow us to care for her any longer. Let me just say that it was the hardest decision that I have ever made. Her gentleness and meekness made her so special and loved by our whole family. I find myself missing her so much. I can still hear her tail wagging as it hit the wall beside her bed. I find myself still calling her name to offer her a treat. She followed me everywhere and I will truly miss her companionship.

Not that there is any good time for this kind of sadness, but it was especially hard for our family as today is Alex's 18th Birthday. We had been asking him for some time what he would like for this milestone birthday but he was always unsure. In light of this recent situation we thought it might be a good time to invite another puppy into our home. When we discussed it with Alex, his response was "That would be sweet". To interpret for those of you who don't understand the language of an 18 year old, that is a good thing. So we did some investigating and here is the newest member of our family.....

Athena Velvet Buttons

What a name huh???? Well seeing that our last name is Panormios (very Greek) we decided that it would be only fitting to have a matching first name. As for the Velvet Buttons, that addition was the contribution from the little girls I babysit. They too were having such a difficult time with losing Lucy that we thought it might be fun to include them on the naming of the new puppy. It worked---they love her too. Athena is a 7 week old, full breed beagle pup and I know from growing up with a beagle I have a lot of work ahead of me. But how could I not love this sweet little face?
Although I love this little darling so much already, there will always be that special place in my heart that belongs only to Lucy ......and it always will.
**********A LITTLE EDIT TO THE ABOVE POST***********
After spending the day with family and watching the puppy interact with family members and their dogs we have decided to have a slight name change. We had a blast watching her play and bark at all the bigger dogs totally without any fear. Chasing their tails and biting at their ears all in such puppy fun. We have decided that the name Sassy fits her personality a little better. Sassy she is but oh so sweet!!!! Sassy Velvet Buttons-------we could not love her more !!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

And the Winner is...............

Just to be sure this give away would be fair, I enlisted the help of my son, Alex to help me pull the winning name. (what a good sport he was)Without further ado, the winner is.........
Pam is a wonderful friend that I have met through my blog. She is also a very talented artist and creates the sweetest, most whimsical watercolors. If you click this link it will take you to her blog. Take a peek I know you will love her work. Congratulations Pam!!! on being the winner of my first blog give away. Thank you to all that left me a comment. I had fun with this give away so look for more to come in the future.
Pam just email me your address and I will send your prize right away :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Dandelion Wishes

I can remember it so well. Sitting at my desk, staring at my blank computer screen, wondering if I should actually begin a blog. "Oh I'll give it a try" I thought to myself. "Maybe my family will enjoy reading it now and again" As it turns out I was right. My family and my close friends did read my posts and would leave me a comment or two. I enjoyed writing and looked forward to their comments. So a month turned into two and then three and four. As time carried on, I began to notice comments from others that were not in my family. What fun it was to think that others actually visited my blog and then left me comments to make me aware of their visits. I began to visit their blogs as well getting to know them through their pictures and posts. And so I continued my blog, meeting and making so many new friends along the way. Four months turned into five and then to six until I sit here today marking the one year birthday of my blog. Who knew that my little blog would help me to meet and befriend ladies from all over the world. All because of this little thing called a blog. I am so grateful for these friendships -- the old and the new. So on this, my blog birthday, I want to celebrate and say thank you for all of your visits and comments by having a little give away. All you have to do is leave me a comment on this post. I will put all the names in a hat and pull a winner on Sunday April 19. Now for the fun part-------here is a little sample of the prize (just a sample, it's always fun to receive surprises)
******A sweet little birds nest, a hand soldered charm with vintage lace, and a package of peek a boo love notes. (plus a few more little surprises) *******
Thanks to all of you for making the past year so lovely with all of your visits, comments and inspiration. I am looking forward to another year full of friendships.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Blessed Easter

On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5 In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6 He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 7 The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again." 8 Then they remembered his words.
Luke 24: 1-8

Wishing you a Blessed Easter filled with family and the wonderful reassurance of Christ's love for us. How he demonstrated this love by suffering and dying on the cross for our sins. And then rising again on the third day so we would know that he truly is the Son of God. Have a beautiful Easter day.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

With a Heavy Heart

Life is busy. Days become filled with the everyday chores of life that are so familiar to me. There are meals to plan, groceries to purchase, laundry to do, house cleaning that needs done, bills to pay, homework to help with, sports practices to make, phone calls to return --the list could go on forever. It is so easy to take for granted that each day will start the same, be filled with these chores and end with a goodnight kiss from my loved ones. Every once in a while something will happen to remind me of the uncertainty of life and just how much each day is a gift. Last Saturday a situation occurred here in Pittsburgh that ended so tragically with three of our city police officers losing their lives. It was a senseless act leaving several small children without their Daddies and many family members asking Why. As I watched on my television this afternoon the procession of family members, officers and the public filing in to pay their respects to these fallen heroes, my heart just broke. My heart aches for their loss. Their lives are changed forever. Through this senseless tragedy I have been reminded to stop in life's ongoing rush and appreciate my family and all that I have. It also reminds me to appreciate those who place their lives on the line daily for our protection. With a brother-in-law who is a police officer and a son contemplating this profession, this tragedy brings home to me how we need to pray for the safety of these special men and women. In support of our police officers and to honor those who have lost their lives we have been asked to place a blue light in our window. A small token of support to those who give so much of themselves for us. Thank you to all those who serve.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend Fun

The weekend, a time for relaxing, sleeping in, spending time with family, and just doing something you enjoy. This weekend my sister and her family came for a visit. They only live a couple of hours away but you know how life gets busy and before you know it months pass without seeing each other. We decided to take a trip to the Strip District. I have posted about this wonderful area of Pittsburgh in previous posts. It is one of my family's favorite places to visit. We had breakfast at one of my mom's favorite diners, Pamela's and then did some shopping at all of the wonderful shops. Because this trip was in honor of my mom's birthday, I thought it would be nice to take a picture of her and all of her grandchildren. I love this picture. Believe me this was not an easy one to capture. It's hard to get three silly boys to stand still and smile without making silly faces at the camera. I reminded them it was for Grandma's birthday so they finally behaved themselves. Oh boys will be boys.

After the Strip District I decided to take a little walk around the local antique store. They were having a sale---anything with the color blue was 15% off. Oh I surly could find something blue. And guess what, I did!! I have a love for vintage children's books. I find the illustrations to be so delightful and innocent. I found two of the sweetest books (both with blue on the cover) I scanned one of my favorite images to share with all of you.

The other book was filled with nursery rhymes and the accompanying sheet music. When I opened the cover I had the instant idea to incorporate these sweet images into note cards for my shop. Here is what I came up with.........

Simple but sweet. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend doing all the things that you enjoy.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

With a Little Help from My Friends..........

...........Dandelion Wishes at Sweetpea's is officially open. For the past three weeks I have been working nonstop on items for my little shop. There were so many things to accomplish before my deadline of April 1. Collecting items for my display, making inventory, pricing inventory, and preparing all the little things to make my shop special. I have had the display set up in my living room for weeks arranging and rearranging to get it just the way I had envisioned it my my mind. I must say I have been blessed with so many friends and my family who provided me with so much encouragement and support. When I started to become overwhelmed with the task of labeling and pricing all the merchandise it didn't even take a second for my friend, Heidi to volunteer to help.
And when the day finally arrived to set up shop, my mom and my friend, Joyce were right by my side to lend a hand.
I am really excited and pleased with the ending result...........

I am not sure where this little adventure will lead but I am so looking forward to the journey.