Saturday, January 23, 2010

1 2 3 part 2

As promised the second little counting book..........

Hope you are enjoying the rest of the weekend.  I have some fun new projects to post soon, so  stop back for a visit.


  1. The "Boys Version" is every bit as cute as the girls!! I look forward to reading and seeing your new projects--Who knows, maybe some of your creativity will rub off on me! :-))) Enjoy your weekend!!

  2. Both of them are darling. Love brown and blue combination. Mimi

  3. Such a cute counting project! My little grandkids would love something like this. Thank you for coming by and saying "hi"! I need to go through your blog now and see what you've been up to! Blessings! Heidi

  4. Oh my goodness. I love the book. You do such a great job. Thank you for sharing.

  5. When do you sleep? You've been on a roll and this little boy book is adorable...or should I say handsome..hehehhe! You never cease to amaze me with your talent!
    (Too much partying this week...think I'll eat Cheerios all of next week! LOL)

  6. Oh! I didn't guess that the little chunky animals are stamps! This is the cutest counting book ever! You are absolutely tops in the paper department! Elizabeth

  7. I really like your boys version as well as the girls book. I have all boys in our household and what you have used in the books remind me of some of the toys and things that they play with . Thanks so much for sharing.
