Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just for Fun

When Alex was a little boy I used to love reading to him before bedtime.  As he grew,  the bedtime tradition quickly became a thing of the past.  Books were packed up, given to the local library, or to friends for their enjoyment.  There were however a few books that I just could not part with.  You know the ones that we read over and over again--so much so that I could probably read them without even looking at the pages. Just for fun I thought I would share some of the pages of one of my favorites.  It is so appropriate after this weeks weather.....

So all of my snowbound friends---this is a great book to read to all of the special little ones in your life.  See snow can be fun---SNOW CAN BE FUN :) 


  1. One of my daughter's name is Katie. She loved that book too. So appropriate for this week! Mimi

  2. Oh, I love Virginia Lee Burton's books!

  3. I love this book too! THANKS for reminding me of the good memories that go along with it!!

    Yes, snow can be fun, but I'm done having fun! ;-)))

  4. I loved this post! I used to read to my kids all the time and we had favorites that were read time and again. They now read themselves to sleep, but I have all those beloved books kept in my room and many times I just like to look thru them all, reliving the happy memories of times spent reading them to the kids.

    as for those winter blues - I think we all have them. We still have snow here too and it is in the 20's. Just sooo cold compared to what we are used to for our winters. I feel as if my blood will never flow warm thru my body ever again! :-) LOVED the recipe for blueberry buckle. Never heard of it, but I will try that! Sounds delicious. And it is oh-so-true, when life gives us lemons, make lemonade! I like your idea so much more though with the blues!!!! Some trully delightful posts, my dear friend. Forgive me for not getting around to you a bit sooner. I do not KNOW where the days get to. hugs, Debby

    p.s. I have been on the phone alot with my sisters, so have been kept up to date on the east coast snowfalls, Wow, what a winter!!

  5. Yes, this was the perfect book to review this week. We sure could use Katy in these parts! I wish I had saved more of my kid's favorite books. I'm afraid we passed most of them on to other people....except their very favorite "Watch Out for the Chicken Feet in the Soup" by Tomie DePaolo. They both have copies of that one. We had fun yesterday-so good to finally be FREE!

  6. What a great boy book! I bet my 7 year old son would enjoy this one. I just adore children's books. I have a set of fairy tale books from when I was a child. They sit atop of my daughter's desk. Books are special memories.

  7. My grandsons loved that book. It has been read so very much. I would read to them, some you can do by memory, but don't change a word or they will correct you. It was a ritual when I would go to their house, we would sit in the rocking chair and grandma would read. They would gather up their books that we would read which was always at least five or more. We have luck out this time and not got the snow that everybody else got. I keep watching the news about all my friends on the East Coast and now in Texas. Our family down there is without electricity at the moment, but they are o.k. otherwise. Take care.

  8. Loved this book as a child! Especially when THERE is snow on the ground.

