Friday, March 19, 2010

Signs of Spring

The first day of Spring is tomorrow!!!! There are signs of it's arrival all around me......
Happy little crocuses
Bright Blue skies
Trips to the playground
Trips to the park

Daffodils awakening

Welcome Spring.  I delight in your splendor.


  1. Your little crocus's are so's nice to know that Spring is finally arriving to 15237! Glad you and the "girls" had a fun outing to the they both (and you) slept real well! See you later for some fun!

  2. Pretty pretties.
    We've had beautiful blue skyes anda couple of warm days but our first day of Spring will bring SNOW! We have a weather advisory
    out for our area.

    Enjoy the weekend!


  3. First of all, THANK YOU so much for the kind comments about our loss of Cowboy!! You have no idea what a difference they made!
    I'm slowly getting caught up on my blog visits. I didn't think I was missing "my visits" but I realized that I have!! I have missed seeing what you have created and what you're done for Rednesday, etc. You continue to inspire me!
    Like you, we have warm temps for the weekend too--Nothing blooming yet, but I'm putting away my snowman collection!
    PS: What a wonderful success for your husband!!!

  4. Enjoy your flowers, because I have snow on the ground with more to come. Our spring is not starting the way that it is suppose to. Going to the park can be a lot of fun except when one gets part way up the steps of the slide and decides that he doesn't want to go any further. I got him down, but I don't really want to do it again. That is my age thing. Take care and enjoy your weather.

  5. The crocus's are lovely! I say bring on the Spring!
