Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day Memories

Mother's Day--A day celebrating our Moms and spending time with family.  I could not think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon. 
 This year we had an extended celebration spending the day with Alex's Mom on Sunday and then having my parents over for dinner on Monday.  It has become a tradition with my mom and I to take a photo of just the two of us.  I scrapbook the memory and add it to her on-going album of  past Mother's Day photos. 

I love this tradition so much that several years ago I started an album for my son as well.  A picture of just the two of us.  It is fun to look through the book and see how much he has grown. 

Another fun tradition that I insist on each year is a picture of my Mom, Alex and I. Alex is not fond of getting his picture taken but because it is Mother's day he agrees.  However he does add his own silly spin on things.  There is a quote by Dr. Seuss that describes him perfectly......
"Today you are you;
 That is truer than true!
There is no one alive;
 Who is you-er than you!"
Truthfully, I wouldn't have it any other way....

I guess he comes by it naturally.

Fun Mother's day memories that I will treasure forever.


  1. I loved both of your Mother's Day posts. The old pictures were priceless and the ones with you, your Mom and Alex are, well, uhhhh, they were priceless, too! Isn't it great that we have comedians for sons!
    Please pass on to your sweet Mama that she looks better than ever!!

  2. What fun traditions and pictures--Dr. Seuss is so right!! I'm so glad you had an enjoyable and fun day!!
    THANKS for your well wishes for Maguire too--He's a bit better today, but still has a ways to go.

  3. Great pictures!
    Great memories!


  4. Your mother's day post are priceless and such wonderful memories. I think it is a boy thing with the pictures because my boys are like that. Have a wonderful day.

  5. Laughing with you and your son!!! Such a crack up!!

  6. What a great idea! One day you will treasure these pics more than you know. Mimi

  7. I actually came over to see your studio pictures, but got caught up in this post! Just wanted you to know it made me smile. I have a son who is a character, too ~ just like your Alex!
