Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Craft Shows in Review (with lots of pictures)

Wow I promised myself that I would not let it happen.  I would not let myself get so busy that my blog would become neglected once again.  I started out with the best of intentions, posting photos of projects completed.  And then it happened---I realized just how little time was left until my first show!!! I spent many a night with David Letterman creating into the wee hours of the morning.  And there you have it--a neglected blog once again.  Not only have I neglected my blog but also you, my blogging friends.  So I decided that today I would do some catching up.  My shows were wonderful.  I met so many nice people and it always surprises me how my art is received.  You know---my family  is always so supportive telling me how much they love everything--it is just different when a total stranger enjoys what I have created.  I took lots of pictures and will let them summarize the shows for you.....

My paper dolls---each one having a tiny piece of Velcro on their bellies to make changing their cloths a little easier for tiny hands :)

A few more magnet cards......

I had such a wonderful time spending the whole day with my mom......
These are some of her amazing quilts.......

Woosh--I sure did have a lot to show you!!!  I guess that is what happens when you allow time to get away from you.  Thanks for reading to the end :) Well I had better be off.  I have lots of special orders to complete.  I will be adding some of the items that didn't sell to my Etsy shop today.  I would love for you to stop by for a visit.  Have a Happy Day :)


  1. Wow, Mimi, your cricuit machine sure got a workout for your show! I loved seeing all your pretty things. All your creations are adorable, I'm sure everyone loved it all. You have such a special touch! Well, let's that you've shown some of your mother's talent....the apple didn't fall far from the tree, did it! You two make a pair! Hugs, Heidi

  2. Those paper dolls are adorable!!!!
    You do such great work.


  3. Your are the most amazing crafter I know!! I never tire of seeing the magnificent things you create. The Memorial Park craft show is something I look forward to every year...not just because of the customers but because I get to hang out with my favorite peeps!! Now, am I too old for these paper dolls cause I sure love them!
    Post some picturees of your things on Facebook...Wendi gets lots of orders from there.
    Joyce...who should be cleaning this minute!!

  4. Your mom's quilts are so beautiful! Love the paper dolls. When I was a little girl I loved playing with them. Great idea with the velcro. Mimi

  5. You do a beautiful job with your Cricut! I love my C, too - and use it lots and lots. I just bought the Make The Cut so that I can cut out my own images and fonts - it's so easy to use. You really put things together nicely - REALLY! Hugs, Patti
