Monday, March 22, 2010

A Vintage Alphabet Party

Everyone loves a party and there is one going on over at the  Etsy Cottage Style blog.  It is a vintage alphabet party.  A letter/s is assigned to each month and all you need to do to participate is post something vintage that corresponds to that letter.  I have been following along but this month I decided to also play along.  The letters for the month of March are C and D. 
Cis for ....

This clock belonged to my Grandma Gulyas.  I can still remember her coming for visits and bringing this clock along to wake her in the morning.  I wish you could hear the alarm on this clock.  Not only did it wake her and the rest of the sleeping members of the family but I believe the whole neighborhood as well.  I love this old clock ---a piece of my Grandma that I will forever cherish.
C is also for.........

This cookbook was given to me by my neighbor.  It was a gift given to her in 1956.  I am so grateful she decided to share this treasure with me.  I have taken a few photos of my favorite pages.  The graphics are wonderful and you will be sure to get a giggle at some of the captions. 
D is for.......
This sweet little doorstop belonged to my Grandma Smisko.  She had these clusters of grapes resting at the foot of each door in her home.  I can remember when I was a little girl being fascinated with the tiny flowers encased in each grape. 
Thanks for taking a peek at my vintage alphabet treasures.  Don't forget to hop on over to Etsy Cottage Style to enjoy the rest of the party.