Thursday, January 6, 2011

Seeing the World through Rose Colored Glasses

Or as my friend Joyce said "Finally seeing the world".  I guess since I hadn't had my eyes checked since I was a little girl I didn't realize that the world should look a little clearer.  I thought I could see just fine.  But lately I noticed that things were appearing just a bit more out of focus and while doing the close soldering work my eyes felt a little more tired.  I noticed it most while driving at night-Yikes sometimes I felt as if I could hardly see--I will not even mention how hard it was to see if it were a rainy night.  So off to the eye doctor I went.  And guess what---I did need glasses.....
I don't have to wear them all the time just when I drive and watch TV.  Let me just say BOY WHAT A DIFFERENCE.  I feel like I am looking at the world in High Definition.  I guess that's what happens when you are about to turn 45........


  1. Dear Mimi
    remember all those time you had a headache and Mom said maybe you should get your eyes checked...but what do moms know. Glad you can see better and don't you dare mention my wrinkles since you are seeing in Hi-def. The glasses look great.

  2. Your Mom's coment cracked me up! Yeah, don't be commenting on my wrinkles either. I'm glad you posted a's been so long since we've seen each other I needed a refresher on what you look like-LOL! See you Saturday...and I guess you'll see me!

  3. They look geat on you.
    I have had my glasses for years now. Can't handle those contact things.
    Glad to see that you are seeing better--pardon the pun. :)


  4. They do look great. I think if you don't squint as much you won't get wrinkles. A little added plus. Mimi

  5. My it was 45 years ago that I GOT my first pair of glasses! LOL, I'll bet you're thankful you made it this long!
    "I can see clearly now..."
    What a perfect way to start a new year!
