Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Two Girls on an Adventure

From the pictures in my last post I am sure you can see I had a wonderful time at the beach.  I could not have asked for a better week.  Our home for the week was beautiful as were the sand, surf and the sun.  We did have some rain however it came in the evening as to not interrupt our time in the sun.  The weather channel promised sun and they did not disappoint--they also promised that by Friday it would turn chilly and windy.  We were hoping they would be mistaken but no they were correct with that forcast too.  By Thursday night my skin had soaked up lots of sun (maybe a little too much as it began to feel hot and tingly) Heidi was happy with her tan as well so we decided to leave one day early and go on an adventure.  In our travels on the way to the beach, I noticed a sign leading the way to Leesburg Virginia--the home of two amazing shops, The Cottage and Lucketts.  Each of these shops have been visited by my friend, Joyce who shared with me wonderful pictures of the treasures tucked inside their walls.  I longed to visit--now was my chance.  Heidi also spied a sign for a large outlet mall not far from the Leesburg exit.  And so the adventure began.  We had google mapped our destination and for extra support plugged in the GPS.  We were confident.  Except for traveling on the Capital beltway (which I am sure shaved several years off both of our lives) we had a great trip and arrived safely in Leesburg.   The Cottage was as amazing as I had imagined....

And there are no words for Lucketts(except for maybe WOW)--I will let my pictures say it all......

The last photo I will share in today's post is the back seat of our car after our little adventure was over.....
I am wondering if I can somehow convince Alex that all of these bags are just really part of my luggage :)