Saturday, January 12, 2013

Christmas in Review

My Christmas season was filled with many blessings and happy memories.  I thought it would be fun to share some of them with you.......

The Blessing of Friends and Family.....

 Andrea, Mom and Me

 My sister and her family--Isaac, Tom and Hank

 Tyler and Jenna

Me, Emma and Kate

 Kate, Mom and Emma


 Alex and Stephen--eggnog in their new moose mugs :)

Aunt Angie and Mom baking cookies

Lauren, Alex and Kristen

I can't forget my fury family :)  Mabel, Geno and Sassy

One of my favorite Christmas memories this year....

A few days before Christmas, Alex and I along with Stephen, Kim and Emily took a little road trip to Cleveland to so see the original house used in the Christmas Story Movie.  

Just look at what we came home with.....
Yes.......a leg lamp. It stayed in the front window through the holiday season--it now lives in the game room. 

Just a  little glimpse of my Christmas --I hope yours was as happy as mine.