Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's Rednesday!!!!

Is it just me or has anyone else ever found themself saying yes to so many requests, special orders and making promises that all need to be kept that it simply overwhelms you?  These past couple of weeks have been just like that for me.  I always think that I have way more time then I actually do.  As a result I was unable to participate in the last two Rednesdays hosted by Sue at "It's a  Very Cherry World" .  With my deadlines all met, I thought I would once again join in the fun and share something red today.  My first red item is my new blog header.  I tried my hand at creating my own .  I have always loved the reproduction fabric from the 1930's and thought it would make a fun background to showcase pictures of my family.  I am not a digital scrapbooker but this banner was fun to make---hmmm I just might have to give this digital scrapbooking a try.  The second red item that I would like to share with you is this little tusie musie that I created.  I participated in A Swap for all Season's tusie musie swap and this is the gift I made for my sweet partner Sarah.  Her favorite color is---you guessed it---RED

If you would like to see pictures of the other tusies musies that were created, just click on this link.  There really are some beauties!!!   I know these next items are not red but I also wanted to share the other goodies that I sent Sarah along with her tusie musie.  First this little bluebird of happiness bookmark and a scrabble tile necklace for her daughter Grace. 
And this little birdy banner for her other daughter, Jilian.
I really enjoyed making this banner.  The bird image is actually cut from a wonderful piece of fabric that I recently purchased from an amazing fabric shop that I just discovered. I love the look of mixing scrapbook paper and fabric in my projects.  I had some extra fabric so I decided to make a similar banner for my etsy shop.   
Thanks for stopping by to visit today.  I hope you all have a HAPPY Rednesday.


  1. Hi Mimi~
    I know how hard it is to post or visit when deadlines are looming over your head. Glad you finished your it's time for some garage/estate sales!! Your tussie mussie is adorable and I bet Sarah's elated with the other goodies you sent along.
    So-what are you doing Saturday?

  2. Your new blog header is perfect! I love the vintage red fabric mixed with the black & white photos! Darling tusie-musie! Thanks for visiting me today!
    ~Hugs, Heidi

  3. I cannot believe Joyce and I were commenting at the exact moment...LOL You girls!!!

  4. That birdie banner is so sweet! It's just perfect for spring or summer or any time of the year. Your tussie mussie is gorgeous too. I was looking at your charms in your previous post, and I must say, you are a very talented crafter!
    Happy REDnesday!

  5. What great red and that banner is sooo cute. What a nice swap!

  6. Cute tussie! And I just love the banner! Oh, and your charms - divine!

  7. Hi Mimi,
    Thank you for stopping by recently and for your well wishes and prayers for my mom.
    I looooove your new Header AND the adorable tussie-mussie you've made here. Looks like you've been busy. A happy busy. : )
    Mary Lou

  8. Your banner is gorgeous. Love those little birdies. Mimi

  9. Everything looks great!

    Happy Friday.

  10. Hi, I wanted to come over and meet you. Thanks for visiting my red dollhouse and leaving such nice comments. I absolutely love your charms. I tried making them once and it definitely was not for me, using a soldering iron. Managed to make a few for my Halloween bracelet, but will be looking over here next time I want one. So cute-especially the vintage hankie ones.

  11. I like your new blog banner and I really like your tussie mussie. I know about deadlines and I hate them with a passion. I feel better when I just roll with the punches as I like to say. It makes it seem as though I am not as stressed. I am catching up on my reading tonight and visiting some of my favorite people. Have a wonderful weekend. Your Missouri Friend
