Monday, May 17, 2010

The Weekend in Review

The weather here in Pittsburgh this past weekend can be described by no other word than PERFECT.  The sun was warm and radiant with temperatures reaching 70 degrees.  An absolute ideal weekend to spend in the outdoors.  Saturday morning my husband and I headed out early to visit a few garage sales and to take in one of Emma's soccer games.  He usually doesn't enjoy going to garage sales but they just happened to be very close to the soccer field.  When I asked him if he enjoyed the garage sales he said if it wasn't for Emma he would much rather have stayed home and saved his treasure hunting for the local flea market.  The soccer game was fun to watch--Emma even scored a goal--and I was delighted to find these two treasures....
After our garage sale adventures, I spent the rest of the day finishing up the gardens and patio---trimming, mulching and adding just a few more plants.  Gardening is a lot of work but I just love the end result.
I was delighted when my Mom brought me this vintage birdcage stand.  Apparently it had been in her basement for some time and she thought I could do something fun with it.  She was right--I quickly  grabbed on of my favorite buckets and filled it with the sweetest pink daisies and white bacopa.  It looked so happy hanging from the little hook meant to hold the birdcage. 
Even Mabel and Sassy enjoyed the beautiful weather.  Mabel is always up for a game of "Look I got the ball---come and chase me" 
On Sunday we did a little flea marketing
a little picnicking
and a little relaxing
We finished off the weekend by watching the season conclusion of Survivor.  I even lit the teekie torches.
  Because Jerri was voted off I was cheering for Sandra but Alex and Alex were voting for Russell (what!! you have to be joking) All night I had to listen to chants "Russell is going to  win" This picture captures the moment that I could chant back "Sandra won "
I hope you all had a fun relaxing weekend.  The next few days hold rain for us.  It is a good thing however--I have many deadlines to meet so I will be in my studio creating as the raindrops hit my window. 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?.....

With silver bells,
And cockleshells,
And pretty maids all in a row.

It seems that the time of year has arrived that I take a bit of a break from creating in my studio.  With a couple of visits to the local greenhouse I aim my creativity at the outdoors.  I have a small patio right outside of my kitchen door and in the Summer this patio becomes an extra room of our home.  We eat our meals , watch a little TV, read a good book, play board games surrounded by the beauty of nature.  I wanted to share with you tonight some of my favorite areas of my garden.  As you will see I love to add vintage pieces among the flowers for added interest.  I hope you enjoy my little tour....... 
Did you notice the little Beagle nose poking through the fence? Sassy is always at the gate ready to welcome any visitor or passerby.  Mabel on the otherhand is happy to relax in the backyard under the big shade tree.
I have a few more flowers to plant and then it is back to the studio for me.  There are several projects that need completed so check back soon.  I will be posting pictures as soon as they are finished.   

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day Memories

Mother's Day--A day celebrating our Moms and spending time with family.  I could not think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon. 
 This year we had an extended celebration spending the day with Alex's Mom on Sunday and then having my parents over for dinner on Monday.  It has become a tradition with my mom and I to take a photo of just the two of us.  I scrapbook the memory and add it to her on-going album of  past Mother's Day photos. 

I love this tradition so much that several years ago I started an album for my son as well.  A picture of just the two of us.  It is fun to look through the book and see how much he has grown. 

Another fun tradition that I insist on each year is a picture of my Mom, Alex and I. Alex is not fond of getting his picture taken but because it is Mother's day he agrees.  However he does add his own silly spin on things.  There is a quote by Dr. Seuss that describes him perfectly......
"Today you are you;
 That is truer than true!
There is no one alive;
 Who is you-er than you!"
Truthfully, I wouldn't have it any other way....

I guess he comes by it naturally.

Fun Mother's day memories that I will treasure forever.