Thursday, December 9, 2010

Do you feel like this at Christmas time????

My mom was looking through some old  family photos when she came across this priceless picture of Santa and me. Priceless in many ways----the look on Santa's face, my dress, and just what am I wearing on my legs---fishnet stockings???? Mom what were you thinking??  After we all had a good laugh, it occured to me that I still at times feel the same way at Christmas.  This time of year is filled with so much hustle bustle---shopping for the perfect gifts,(only after sitting in hours of mall traffic and fighting for the last parking space in the entire parking lot) wrapping all of those perfect gifts, decorating the house, setting up the tree, hanging the lights(thankfully testing the lights before hanging them), making an emergency trip to Target to purchase new lights to replace the ones that just will not light, writing the Christmas cards, standing in line at the post office to mail all of those cards, baking cookies, office parties, visiting family and friends------kind of makes you want to cry too doesn't it? 
It also occured to me that this very special time of year is not all about the gifts, cards, and decorations.  Although it brings joy to shower loved ones with gifts and  many family traditions and happy memories have been made while decorating,  I need to remember not to allow those activities to overtake the real reason we celebrate this season.

This weekend I will be finishing up my shopping, putting the last touches to my holiday decorations and sending Christmas greetings to my loved ones....I will be sure not to forget to thank my Lord for his gift to me---his precious Son Jesus......
Have a Happy Weekend

Monday, December 6, 2010

Baby It's COLD outside

Well it seems as though Winter has arrived here in Pittsburgh.  We didn't get a lot of snow--just enough to whiten the ground and send us to the shed to uncover the snow shovel.  Mix that little bit of snow with the bone chilling wind and there you have it---a Winter day at my house.  When Drew arrived this morning he was all dressed for the weather with his big, blue, fluffy coat and matching cap.  He was so adorable I just had to get a picture :)
After saying hello to the dogs we sent them outside to enjoy the snow .......

A good day for a big pot of homemade Italian Wedding Soup......

and a little Christmas decorating......

If it is FROSTY cold where you are...........
I hope you have someone you love to snuggle up with.......

xoxoxoxo Stay safe and warm......

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Special Gift For Which I Am So Very Thankful....

Life has a way of passing by so quickly.  Each day begins the same-- is filled with daily chores and responsibilities--and ends the same as I snuggle down in my bed for a nights rest only to begin again in the morning.   But every once in a while something happens that stops me in my tracks and causes me to really appreciate how precious life is and how I have been blessed in so many ways.  This event that I am going to share with you happened several weeks ago, but I held off sharing it with you all until now.  I thought it  appropriate to share as my Thanksgiving post.
After my husband and I were married, we lived in an apartment for about three years.  It was a lovely apartment and I enjoyed living there very much. Soon the opportunity came for us to purchase a home of our own. Although I was a little sad to leave our apartment, I was excited about our new home and to finally become part of a neighborhood.  We moved in and began to meet our neighbors.  Soon they  became not only  neighbors but  our friends.  We would do all the things for each other that neighbors do...borrow cups of sugar, make meals if someone became under the weather, help to shovel snow in the winter, chat over the fence in the Summer and take in the mail and care for beloved pets as vacations arose.  I had done this many a time for the neighbors right next door.  Their family lives out of state and I was happy to care for their sweet kitties while they went for a visit.  So when they asked several weeks ago if I would take care of Tuck and Joey while they traveled I thought nothing of it and immediately said "Of Course". Thursday, Friday, and Saturday morning went by uneventful.  When I left their home Saturday morning after caring for, feeding, and playing with the kitties everything was just fine.  When I returned later in the day everything was not fine. I knew as soon as I opened their front door something was terribly wrong.  I entered to find everything covered in a thick, black soot and by the looks of their kitchen there had been a fire. Somewhere in the distance I could hear some kind of alarm blaring and there was no sign of the kitties.  I saw no flames so I thought it safe to enter.  I ran upstairs to get the cat carriers and search for Tuck and Joey.  When my eyes began to burn and it became difficult to breath I thought I had better call 911.  When the firemen arrived they would not allow me to reenter due to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide.  I was unable to save either kitty and made the difficult call to my neighbors to deliver the news.   I see those sweet little kitties and remember how I played with them and  how they were such special members of my neighbor's family.  I still struggle with the sadness of the situation however with the event several weeks in the past I am beginning to look at it in a slightly different light......

My neighbors house will be completly restored.  There was very little fire damage and no water damage because by the time I had discovered the fire it had snuffed itself out--something the firemen told me rarely happens!!! The smoke damage is repairable. 

Because my neighbors were not at home, they were not injured.  God protected me from injury and from the dangerous carbon monoxide that had filled their home. 

When visiting with them several days ago, we got to talking about things that made us smile.  I happened to mention seeing this little rag doll in a local gift shop and how something about her brought a smile to my face. When our visit was over, it was less than an hour when they were back at my door with a little bag all decorated with a pink bow.  "We thought you needed something to make you smile"   Wrapped in tissue paper and tucked carefully inside the bag was my ragdoll.  It still brings tears to my eyes to think about everything they are going through right now-- they thought of me and brought me something that they knew would make me happy.   
I have named her Mary Clair and she sits on my desk shelf right above my computer.  She is there to make me smile and to remind me of all that I have to be thankful for.....

For a loving God who protects me and those I love
For friends and family
For a place to call home where I can welcome loved ones

I pray that on this Thanksgiving day you will enjoy spending time with those you love and will take the time to reflect on all of your blessings.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Craft Shows in Review (with lots of pictures)

Wow I promised myself that I would not let it happen.  I would not let myself get so busy that my blog would become neglected once again.  I started out with the best of intentions, posting photos of projects completed.  And then it happened---I realized just how little time was left until my first show!!! I spent many a night with David Letterman creating into the wee hours of the morning.  And there you have it--a neglected blog once again.  Not only have I neglected my blog but also you, my blogging friends.  So I decided that today I would do some catching up.  My shows were wonderful.  I met so many nice people and it always surprises me how my art is received.  You know---my family  is always so supportive telling me how much they love everything--it is just different when a total stranger enjoys what I have created.  I took lots of pictures and will let them summarize the shows for you.....

My paper dolls---each one having a tiny piece of Velcro on their bellies to make changing their cloths a little easier for tiny hands :)

A few more magnet cards......

I had such a wonderful time spending the whole day with my mom......
These are some of her amazing quilts.......

Woosh--I sure did have a lot to show you!!!  I guess that is what happens when you allow time to get away from you.  Thanks for reading to the end :) Well I had better be off.  I have lots of special orders to complete.  I will be adding some of the items that didn't sell to my Etsy shop today.  I would love for you to stop by for a visit.  Have a Happy Day :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

More Craft Fair Fun......

My "To Do" List is growing!!! Trying to fit everything I want to accomplish in a day is becoming pretty tricky.  Laundry, clean house, yard work,  cook dinner (which I must admit have been pretty sorry lately), watch Drew, create, write blog posts, read favorite blogs....sometimes there is just not enough time in the day.  Some things just don't get done.  Lately I have become behind in visiting my favorite blogs and leaving comments for friends letting them know how much I enjoy spending time with them.  This afternoon Drew is napping so I thought it would be a great time to catch up and share a few more craft fair projects that I have been working on.  This week's project has been  magnet cards---Little pockets with sweet die cut images, cut with my Cricut,  that I have turned into magnets.   

                                                              Guess HOO Loves You

OWL always Love You 
I could not find the perfect paper to go with these adorable owls, so I decided to use fabric.  Using a bit of "Wonder Under", I ironed it to the fabric and then onto a piece of cardstock.  Oh the possibilities.....
Well I hear a certain little boy stirring in his crib---time for me to go--- Oh I only got to visit a few friends--I will have to finish up after dinner. 

Love you all  WITH A CHERRY ON TOP!!!