I can hardly believe that the day is finally here. The shopping is complete and all of our new cloths have been packed neatly in the suitcases. Our IPODS have been loaded with all of our favorite songs. Reading material has been packed in our carry on bags all ready for the long trip. Arrangements have been made for the family dogs. I guess the only thing left to do is to get on the airplane. We will leave tomorrow morning and should arrive in Greece Saturday mid morning. I am so excited and nervous at the same time. I really have no idea what to expect. Oh I have heard lots of stories and have seen loads of pictures but I can only imagine the wonderful things we will experience. Imagine me a girl afraid to drive on the interstate flying half way across the world. I have giant butterflies of excitement. I will have so many stories and pictures to share when I return. Before I end this post I would like to share a few pictures from a scrapbook that I created as a thank you gift for our relatives with whom we will be staying.

I will close for now. It is getting late and there are some last minute details to attend to. When I return I will have so many experiences to share. I look forward to sharing my memories with you.