On one of my recent treasure hunts at a local antique store, I found the sweetest little book. I have such a love for vintage children's books and when I saw the graphics in this book I knew I had to have it. The inscription inside of the front cover said "To: Gary Jr Love from Mother and Daddy on Valentine's Day 1960." From the look of the cover, this little book was well loved and had been read many times. I could almost picture a mommy and her son snuggled under a blanket reading together. I miss those days when my own son would say "Read it again Mommy." I wanted to share with you some of my favorite pictures from this book. They are for you to save and use on your projects. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. Have a Happy Friday and have fun creating!!! PS It is always fun to admire the work of others. I would love to see what you all create. Just post your link in the comment section so I can take a peek.
About Dandelion Wishes--Why a Dandelion you ask???
As I was contemplating starting my blog and opening my etsy shop, many thoughts swam in my head. What would I write about, what would I sell and what in the world would I call my blog and shop? Oh I had a list of names--which one should I choose? I finally decided on Dandelion Wishes. Why that name you ask? Why a dandelion--they are such a nuisance poking their little yellow heads right out into the beautiful green grass. Then there are those little white seed parachutes floating over my lawn just looking for a place to land and grow more little yellow heads in my beautiful grass. If I would have stopped at that thought I never would have choosen the dandelion to represent my blog. Who want's to be known as a nuisance?? Not me. As I stopped and really looked at the little yellow flower, I discovered that it is really quite beautiful. With it's many petals and it's happy yellow color I found it to be really very cheery. And then the thought struck me. There are many things that come into our lives that at first we consider a nuisance. But if we really stop to think about them, often they can become a thing of beauty--teaching lessons and helping us to grow and mature in our lives. I couldn't think of a better name for my blog and shop. It helps to remind me to stop and see the beauty in all situations, to ask myself what lesson I am to be learning, and how does this situation help me to grow into a better person. I wish that for all of you my friends as well. Thank you for visiting Dandelion Wishes. I hope you enjoy your stay.