Do you love Valentines Day as much as I do? What could be better than a day to remind those dear to us just how much they are loved. Whether they are reminded with a bouquet of flowers, a box of candy, a pretty handmade card or just a simple kiss it's the thoughtful reminder that means so much. There is something about Valentines Day that reminds me of a simpler, innocent time-- creating Valentine cards with paper doilies, glitter, glue and construction paper. I can still remember making my Valentine box to hold those special cards from classmates. Always hoping that cute boy would sign his card with "love". How special those boxes looked covered in aluminum foil and glitter.
This year I decided to start making my cards a little earlier than usual. It's much more enjoyable to take my time and create rather than rush to get them done. Here is a little peek at two that I have completed.