I have shared in previous posts what a talented quilter my mom is. She has made some amazing quilts for me that I will treasure forever. Most recently she completed a quilt for me that I could hardly wait to share with you all. It is perfect for the coming Valentine holiday and looks so sweet in my red kitchen. I placed it on my table and took lots of pictures to show you. However the lighting in my kitchen is not the best and with another cloudy day on the way I just could not capture all of it's beautiful detail. A dilemma for sure for this blogging girl. Then the idea came to me. I should take the quilt outside where the lighting is much brighter. With the temperatures reaching a high of 11 degrees today, I grabbed my coat, my furry boots, and with camera in hand headed outside. I only hope the neighbors didn't spy me in all this silliness. I was freezing but I finally captured some pictures for you to see.........
Can you see the icicles hanging from my neighbors house. I think I must be crazy :) I took some close up pictures as well so that you could really see just how fun this quilt is. 

The last picture is of the back of the quilt. I wanted you to see how fun this fabric is and the whimsical way she quilted it. I also wanted to share with you this simple table decoration that I put together. It keeps with the theme of my quilt.
Just fill a vintage ball canning jar with your favorite Valentine candy.
****HINT****buy extra bags to allow for taste testing :)
Top each jar with a "clay pot" shaped glass votive. Add a little tea light and there you have it. I made three and arranged them on top of my vintage milk glass cake stand. 
Stay safe and Warm!!!!!