I have such fond childhood memories of Halloween night. I grew up in a large neighborhood with lots of children. It was great fun walking the neighborhood with my sister and my best friend, Heidi while our dads led the way from house to house. I loved walking up to each door and ringing the bell. "TRICK OR TREAT" We knew all the neighbors and loved for them to guess who was under each costume. Some of the neighbors would have special treat bags for us while others would hand out huge chocolate bars. I think my favorite treat was the homemade popcorn balls. As we walked up the sidewalk to the front door you could smell the popcorn popping. When you entered the front door the sweet smell of candied popcorn was there to greet us. YUM!!! As the evening came to a close and our legs were tired from walking, when we thought we couldn't take another step we would head home for a nice warm cup of hot chocolate. The evening would always end up by dumping all of our loot onto the floor, sorting it into piles, and trading each other for our favorites.
Yes that's me--I am the bunny and my sister the little leopard. My mom always made our costumes. When I became a mom, I couldn't wait to carry on the tradition of making Alex's Halloween costumes. My favorite was the year he was a robot.
Oh such fun memories.......
Before I close this Halloween post for tonight, I wanted to share a few little projects that I completed for my little shop at Sweet Peas.

Trick or Treat candy boxes and Halloween peek a boo notes.
I hope you all have a Happy Halloween making special memories that will last a life time. As for me, I am off to eat some leftover trick or treat candy---Butterfingers here I come.......