I am sure there are not many fathers that read my blog so it seems silly to say Happy Father's Day. I do hope you all had a wonderful day celebrating your father, grandfather, husband and all the other special fathers in your life. I had a very enjoyable day with my father and my husband. The weather was beautiful, a perfect day for a Father's Day picnic.
A day to celebrate my Dad...
Growing up in my family there was just my sister and I. That meant bad hair days, giggles, having nothing to wear, tears, screaming, dancing, shopping, baby dolls times two. My dad left all the girly girl activities up to my mom but he did spend time with us in other ways. One of my favorite activities with my dad was at dusk when we would all pile in his truck and go deer spotting. I remember how cool it was to see a field full of glowing eyes. To this day, I have a love for deer and still enjoy seeing them in the wild. My dad also taught me to love fishing. I loved it when my mom would pack a picnic dinner and as soon as my dad would arrive home from work, we would take off for the local lake. I am sure that my dad must have lost track of the number of worms he put on hooks, fish he removed from those hooks, and hooks he removed from his fingers. Not to mention all the stray casts that ended up in the near by tree limbs. Once my sister saw a water snake and ran screaming down the lake shore all while the button on her reel was still pressed. It took my dad forever to reel in all that fishing line. Oh and there was the time I set my rod down just in time for a fish to pull it right into the lake. My dad, to no avail, jumped right in (cloths and all) to try and save it. It's a wonder he was able to get any fishing in at all. There are other special moments that I share with my dad. I will always remember how he looked on my wedding day, and how happy he was when he became a grandpa. 

A Day to Celebrate my husband...
My husband is the most wonderful father. Sometimes I get jealous of how close my husband and son are. I can truly say they are friends. They enjoy each other's company and just hanging out together. One of my favorite sounds is hearing them laugh together at a silly movie. They are so much alike. They enjoy the same type of movies, they have the same sense of humor, they love to aggravate, hate to cloths shop, and I know they both love me :) He is a proud Dad and is so supportive and encouraging to Alex in whatever he tries. I could not ask for a better role model for Alex.
There is one more special father in my life to celebrate, my father in law. He too could not be prouder of his grandson and truly loves his family. He is always there for each of us to offer advice, support, and encouragment. He was unable to spend the day with us as he was out of town. Eventhough he was away from the family today he was never far from our thoughts.
This picture was taken on Alex's birthday in April.
A Happy Father's Day to all the special Dad's in my life. I love you all and have been blessed by having each one of you in my life.