When I was a little girl my mom would sometimes surprise me with little notes tucked secretly in my lunch bag. What fun it was to be sitting at the lunch table to open my lunch and find this fun reminder that my mom loved me. When it was time for me to send Alex off to school with his lunch bag, I remembered how much I enjoyed finding secrete notes from my mom and I would occasionally surprise Alex with notes of his own. This was a fun tradition until one day he so sweetly reminded me he was a big boy now and that it was not so cool to find secrete notes from your mom while sitting with all of your friends. (oh did I mention that he was in the 6th grade--the poor kid) Since that time the little notes have stopped but I would like to think he will remember those little love notes fondly forever.
The little brad at the top of each note allows the top scalloped circle to swing away to reveal your message. 

That memory has inspired me to create these little lunchbox love notes to add to my etsy shop. 

Just for fun I made some silly aliens.
Now onto a little surprise for me. Barbara of Southern Lady's Vintage surprised me by awarding me this sweet blog award. I copied the explanation for this award from Barbara's blog.....
The authors say that blogs who receive this award are exceedingly charming. This blog invests in the PROXIMITY in space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that even more friendships are propagated.
Thank you so much Barbara for thinking of me and awarding me this honor. I am truly touched. The authors of this award also ask that I pass this award on to 8 other bloggers-- which I find very hard to do. I am going to take an idea from another blog friend, Bev. She found it impossible as I do to choose only 8 bloggers as I have made so many friendships through so many lovely blogs. So as she wrote, consider this award passed on to you if you read my blog and pass it on to someone you feel deserves this as well. Thank you again Barbara for such a wonderful surprise.