Reliance upon the future, faith, expectation, confidence, anticipation, optimism
As I woke this morning and peeked through one eye out of the bedroom window I could see the sun shinning so brightly. The sky was so blue not a cloud to be seen. Oh now don't get me wrong it is still freezing outside but just to see the sun was wonderful!! I hopped out of bed and went to the window and there fluttering in the leaves was a family of Robins!!! Oh Yes Spring is on the way. For some reason this Winter season seems to be taking forever to finally fade into Spring. But just seeing those happy Robins gave me hope. 
And then look what I found just outside my kitchen door in the herb garden......
Alex and I decided to go to breakfast yesterday morning and took a little drive to a wonderful diner called Pamela's. It was delicious and the best part was, it is located right next to my favorite store, Roxannes. I just could not leave without taking these beautiful roses home with me.
I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. Take heart, have faith, and anticipate the arrival of Spring.