As I have shared in a previous post, I really had no idea what to expect as I started my blog and etsy shop. I thought it would be a fun place to share my thoughts and to show some of the projects that I have completed. I did not expect that I would meet so many wonderful people through this blogging process. I have been chatting with some of these new friends on line, reading their blogs and admiring their beautiful art. My blog has connected me with friends from all over the country that I would never have had the opportunity to meet. Deborah from http://starrynightimpressions.blogspot.com/ is one of these new friends. Deborah's esty shop is filled with wonderful French vintage inspired treasures. Stop by for a visit you will be so glad that you did!! So my new friend Deborah has tagged me. What does that mean you ask. Well here are the rules....
1. First I am to let you know what the rules are :)
2. I am to let you know who tagged me and link to her blog
3. Now for the hard part... I am to share 7 facts about myself on my blog, some random,
some weird. I have done some silly and weird things in my life time. I just have to decide
which ones I want the world to know about. :)
4. Next I am to tag 7 people at the end of this post by leaving their names as well as a link to
their blogs. So look out all my blogging friends---you could be next :)
5. The last rule is to notify who I have tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Well here we go with my 7 random facts about me........
1. I have absolutely no musical ability. When my son was a baby I would sing him lullaby's. He would fall to sleep so quickly probably because he didn't want to hear me sing. Oh and by the way my dancing skills are just as wonderful. I have been described as "having no rhythm" You will not be seeing me on Dancing with the Stars :)
2. I am afraid of high places. Even if I am watching a movie and the scene is taking place high in the air, my stomach gets butterflies.
3. When I was a little girl, I knocked both of my front teeth out within a weeks time. One came out while I was jumping on the bed. I missed the bed and jumped right into my dresser. (how many times did my mother tell me not to jump on the bed---I guess she was right) The other lone tooth got caught in the swing chain and opps came right out. I had to wear a set of false teeth for a while so my other teeth would come in correctly. Here is a picture just for fun of my lovely false teeth.
5. The summer I turned 16, my sister talked me into going on a wilderness adventure to Blackwater Falls West Virginia with our church youth group. We were gone for 10 days and carried everything we needed in our backpacks. I slept under a tarp, ate spam, went caving, and even repelled off of a 90 foot cliff. Imagine how that was with my fear of heights :)
Not something this girl is ever going to do again!!! Glad I have these pictures to prove that I did it.
6. I do not like to drive on major highways. I will travel 40 miles out of my way just so I don't have to drive next to a trailer truck. I know all the back ways to all of my favorite places. These days with the price of gas I may have to be brave and take the more direct route.
7. I have watched the movie Ever After a Cinderella story with Drew Barrymore about 50 times. Whenever I am working in my craft room I love to have it on as I create. My friend Joyce says I listen to that like other people listen to the radio:) If you have never seen this movie before, rent it you will love it.
Well there you have it 7 random facts about me. I hope they gave you a smile.
Now let me see who I will tag........
http://scrapforjoy.blogspot.com/ my wonderful friend Joyce
http://www.sweetbellabug.blogspot.com/ another wonderful friend Bethany
http://scrappycatsx3.blogspot.com/ yet another special friend Michele
http://catnapcottage.blogspot.com/ my new friend Cindy made through etsy and blogging
http://www.southernladyvintage.blogspot.com/ another friend Barbara made because of etsy and blogging
http://countryfrogcreations.blogspot.com/ a wonderful scrapbooking friend Bev
http://therosecottage.blogspot.com/ yet another friend Lyn all because of etsy and our blogs
Tag you are it ladies. I can't wait to read your random facts :)