When I decided to enter into the world of etsy and blogging, it was mainly to share my art with others. I had no idea that I would meet so many wonderful people in the process. I must say that I have really enjoyed getting to know new friends and chatting with them on line. The inspiration they give me through their art work and their blogs is amazing. One such person is Barbara of Southern Lady's Vintage. Her Etsy shop is filled with lovely vintage pieces. If you love roses as I do, please take a minute to look at all of her hand painted items with the most romantic roses that I have ever seen. Barbara also has a beautiful blog. From the moment you enter her blog you know it is someplace special. You are greeted with such beautiful music which invites you stay and visit for a while. Barbara recently had a special give away on her blog to celebrate her 100th post!! Guess what----I won. I was so happy to be part of the celebration and the recipient of such a lovely gift.