Yes I am still here. Once again days turn into weeks and weeks into months and I sit here wondering just where did the Summer go? I have been busy over these past two months and I do have lots to share---there have been vacations, finished projects, family gatherings and lots of fun times. I guess I should just jump right in and start with my most recent undertaking----a craft room redo. When I first had the opportunity to have my own craft room I worked mainly with paper. Now that my love for fabric has grown(and grown!) I found that my little room was bursting at the seams with supplies. I needed to clean out and make better use of the space I had. So I began one morning thinking I would be done by noon. Here we are a week later and I have just completed the project. Because I am not using my paper crafting supplies as much, I decided to tuck them away and make my fabric supplies easier to retrieve.
My husband and brother-in-law hung a nice long shelf for me to display my vintage Fisher Price toys giving me more space for storage...
My friend Joyce gave me this wonderful shelf which is perfect for all of my jars of buttons and other little goodies....
I rearranged my desk a bit adding some of my favorite books and pictures......
Now that my room is all clean and reorganized it is time for sewing.
And now that I have tended to my neglected blog I hope you will stop by soon to see what else I have been up to this Summer.......
About Dandelion Wishes--Why a Dandelion you ask???
As I was contemplating starting my blog and opening my etsy shop, many thoughts swam in my head. What would I write about, what would I sell and what in the world would I call my blog and shop? Oh I had a list of names--which one should I choose? I finally decided on Dandelion Wishes. Why that name you ask? Why a dandelion--they are such a nuisance poking their little yellow heads right out into the beautiful green grass. Then there are those little white seed parachutes floating over my lawn just looking for a place to land and grow more little yellow heads in my beautiful grass. If I would have stopped at that thought I never would have choosen the dandelion to represent my blog. Who want's to be known as a nuisance?? Not me. As I stopped and really looked at the little yellow flower, I discovered that it is really quite beautiful. With it's many petals and it's happy yellow color I found it to be really very cheery. And then the thought struck me. There are many things that come into our lives that at first we consider a nuisance. But if we really stop to think about them, often they can become a thing of beauty--teaching lessons and helping us to grow and mature in our lives. I couldn't think of a better name for my blog and shop. It helps to remind me to stop and see the beauty in all situations, to ask myself what lesson I am to be learning, and how does this situation help me to grow into a better person. I wish that for all of you my friends as well. Thank you for visiting Dandelion Wishes. I hope you enjoy your stay.