This day in March is the day we celebrate my Mom and her birthday. Today we celebrate all the special things about her that makes us love her so much. Her kind spirit, sense of humor, nurturing way, love of the Lord, willingness to share her talents, friendliness, wisdom, love of adventure, and joyous heart. There are so many things I love about my mom I couldn't possibly list them all. Her unconditional love for me is such a blessing and something I cherish. We had a lovely day. My friend, Heidi, invited us to her home for the most delicious lunch. What a nice time we had laughing and spending time with each other. 

Heidi has the sweetest little dog named Jazzie who just could not be left out of the celebration. Later in the day Mom came to my home for dinner and for a little bit of crafting afterward. We worked together making cards to be mailed to members of her church group in need of cheering up. 
Alex ventured in to say hello and because it was Grandma's birthday agreed to pose for a picture without too much convincing.
Happy Birthday Mom. I love you so much!!!