When you bring a pet into your home you know you are going to love it. But what isn't realized sometimes is just how much. They become part of your family. You count on them to always be there, tail wagging, welcoming you home. Supplying you with that unconditional love even when you are crabby and have had the worst day. They can look at you with those brown eyes and easily change all that is bad to good. There is just something about that kind of love. And the best part is that as much as you love them they love you back twice as much. We had a bit of sadness in our family this week as we lost our beloved friend, Lucy. Her illness just didn't allow us to care for her any longer. Let me just say that it was the hardest decision that I have ever made. Her gentleness and meekness made her so special and loved by our whole family. I find myself missing her so much. I can still hear her tail wagging as it hit the wall beside her bed. I find myself still calling her name to offer her a treat. She followed me everywhere and I will truly miss her companionship. 
Not that there is any good time for this kind of sadness, but it was especially hard for our family as today is Alex's 18th Birthday. We had been asking him for some time what he would like for this milestone birthday but he was always unsure. In light of this recent situation we thought it might be a good time to invite another puppy into our home. When we discussed it with Alex, his response was "That would be sweet". To interpret for those of you who don't understand the language of an 18 year old, that is a good thing. So we did some investigating and here is the newest member of our family.....
Athena Velvet Buttons
What a name huh???? Well seeing that our last name is Panormios (very Greek) we decided that it would be only fitting to have a matching first name. As for the Velvet Buttons, that addition was the contribution from the little girls I babysit. They too were having such a difficult time with losing Lucy that we thought it might be fun to include them on the naming of the new puppy. It worked---they love her too. Athena is a 7 week old, full breed beagle pup and I know from growing up with a beagle I have a lot of work ahead of me. But how could I not love this sweet little face?

Although I love this little darling so much already, there will always be that special place in my heart that belongs only to Lucy ......and it always will.**********A LITTLE EDIT TO THE ABOVE POST***********
After spending the day with family and watching the puppy interact with family members and their dogs we have decided to have a slight name change. We had a blast watching her play and bark at all the bigger dogs totally without any fear. Chasing their tails and biting at their ears all in such puppy fun. We have decided that the name Sassy fits her personality a little better. Sassy she is but oh so sweet!!!! Sassy Velvet Buttons-------we could not love her more !!!