Goodbye, Farewell, Adieu, Adios, ciao, So Long, See You Later, Take It Easy, Fare Thee Well
However you choose to say it, the meaning is all the same---something that is said before parting. I have never been one to enjoy saying goodbye to anything. I guess that is why my house is filled with things that remind me of special events or things that I am saving just because "I might need them some day". But even in my reluctance to say goodbye, I do it every year at midnight on January 1. I say goodbye to the past year and greet the new. In saying hello to the new year I bid farewell to those things that brought sadness, embrace memories that brought joy, and look forward with excitement to all that this new year will hold for me. I thought for my first post of the new year I would share some of my favorite photos from 2010 recalling all that has blessed me in this past year.
Welcome 2011
I wish you all much happiness in the coming year