Thursday, February 5, 2015

My Favorite Place

Do you have one of those places that you love to visit over and over again.    That place where each time you visit you make more wonderful memories so that when you leave it calls you back time and time again. For me that place is Berlin, Ohio.  After my Dad passed away,  Alex and I just wanted to get away for a few days--away but not too far.  We had heard how beautiful it was in Berlin and because it is only about 2 hours from home we decided to give it a try.   This coming April  marks four years since our first visit.   We have just arrived home from an overnight stay and let me just say it is just as wonderful today as it was on our  first visit.  What makes this place so special you ask?  I think the best way to answer that question is to share with you some of my many photos of this beautiful place.  We have visited during every season so you will be able to see what Berlin is like year round.
Berlin is located in the heart of Amish country.
Exploring is one of our favorite things to do during our visit.  The back roads are dotted with beautiful farms and fields. .  Sometimes the roads cut right through the farm property.  

And of course there is the little town of Berlin.  Filled with wonderful shops where I have found many treasures.  We are always sure to eat at Boyd and Wurthmann.  If you want comfort food this is the place to go--chicken, mashed potatoes, meatloaf, country fried steak, fried mush with homemade sausage gravy, buckwheat pancakes, and too many homemade pies to list. 
 Every town needs a quilt shop and Berlin has a few.  My favorite, Miller's Dry Goods.  Alex usually drops me off and heads to the local coffee shop to wait for my return--always with loads of wonderful fabrics.

After all the exploring and shopping are done for the day,  we head to the most wonderful Inn for the evening--- The Inn at Honey Run

The Inn offers two places for lodging.  You can stay in the main building--which is completely wonderful--or you can stay in their Honeycomb rooms.  These rooms are set apart from the main building built directly into the hillside above the Inn.  The Honeycomb rooms have become my favorite place to stay.  

There is a fireplace in every room and you have your own private patio.  I have never seen stars so bright as when we sit on this patio at night in the Summer.  

The Inn's property is amazing.  There are beautiful walking trails------

and a pond for fishing....

The barn and pasture at Honey Run is home to their very own flock of sheep.  

This is Annie--their first lamb of the year--born January 15.  ( I borrowed these photos from their newsletter as it was much to cold this stay to visit with the sheep.  They were snug inside their little barn)

This is just a small sample of why this place is so special to me and if I could I would be back there in a heartbeat.


Shirley said...

Good Morning, I never dream of seeing pictures of there. I have dealt with Miller's Dry Good store on line. It is a small world and it definitely looks like a neat place to visit. We use to go to Branson, Missouri once or twice a year until my hubby went into the nursing home. We enjoyed going there. We all have our special places. We have sunshine, but it is slick from the snow that we got yesterday. Have a great day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend Shirley

Scrap for Joy said...

I'm sorry that we never got to visit that part of Ohio before we moved. I always enjoy your photos and stories of this quaint, peaceful place. I'm glad that you and Alex were able to enjoy a little's good to diminish the winter blahs!

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